Norberto’s H8 Computer

Norberto’s H8 Computer
H8_H89_Z67_IDE_SASI_TO_IDE_DISK_CONTROLLER_V1_7.pdf (Z67-IDE Users Guide) (H89 IDE Monitor ROM) (H89 PROM to support the Z67 controller) (H89 PROM)
HZ89_90_HD.pdf (H89 Hard Drive Article by Peter Ruber - REMark)
H8-Z67 IDE Controller parts list Rev (added BCD switch info) (DS89C430 FW Loader Utility) (H8 Z67-IDE Controller booting CP/M)
Z-67.pdf (Jumper Settings)
Z67-IDE CP/M Utilities By Ken Owen
Z67-IDE_Installation.pdf (H17 & Z67 / H37 & Z67 Disks Installation Guide) (Instructions/Utilities for the H17/H37/Z67-IDE system)
S1410Man_Aug83.pdf (XEBEC S1410 Disk Controller)
Z67-IDE Schematics
Z67-IDE Cables Schematics By Ken Owen
Z67-IDE Boards Available: 0
QSH17-4M.ASM (H17/Z67-IDE-4MHz BIOS.asm source code)
Z-System Utilities
HDOS Z67 PREP Utility by Ken
HEATH Computer Article
ZCPR2 Files
ZCPR3 Files
ZCPR33 Files
Format80 Patches by Ken
H8-Z80-64 (Rev 2.1) and H8 Front Panel Fixes
H17-Z67r2-v3 2 (H17 & Z67 CP/M QSBIOS) (H37 & Z67 CP/M QSBIOS)
H89Cnfig.Z67-IDE.pdf (H89/Z67 Configuration)
QuickStor Documentation
Z67 Installation Procedure Documentation
Z67 Support Software
HDOS 2.0 SuperSysMod (2MHz) Program DISKS
HDOS 2.0 SuperSysMod (2/4MHz) Program DISKS & Y2K Patch Information
Z67 Transition Board Cable Layout by Ken
Z67 HDOS Utilities by Ken
HDOS & CP/M Utilities by Ken
Booting HDOS from the Z67-IDE board by Ken
Booting_HDOS.Rev6D.pdf (Updated: 11/19/2013)
How to patch the HDOS HD67.dvd driver by Ken
Z67-IDE FW Releases
Z67-IDE Disk Controller
Z67-IDE Support Files
Hard Sector Support Package, updated for the Y2K patch by Ken
Bootable CP/M H17 image with QSBIOS support by Ken
Note: Attached you should find a bootable image file for QS-DISK1.This will boot a 32k system and "A>MOVCPM80 *" will expand it to the machines full memory size. (It must be a memory size equal to or less than the machine's memory on first boot. Someone may only have 32k or 48k of memory.) (Bootable SVD image with PART170 and PREP1) (PREP 170Q, 174Q, 270Q)
New Prep/Part Utility for HDOS - 15 MB of Storage
It mainly adds two features over the Heath version:
1. You can specify the port number on the command line (e.g. PREP67 174)
2. It adds 50% more storage space (by setting the “heads” parameter to 6)
H89 Z67-IDE External Configuration
Z67_IDE GERBER Files (GERBER files)
Z67-IDE-V10.pdf (Composite Schematic by Ken)
Bridging The Divide/Utilities/HD Generation - By Ken Owen
Z67-IDE Schematics V10.pdf (60 drive support)
H89 Z67-IDE & Multidisk
QS System Generation (Supports 60 Hard Drives with a 8GB CF card, WP, Imaging & Replication. Reads switch) (2/4 MHz Software-Switchable Speed Mod)
Upgrade_to_V10_Wiring.pdf (by Ken)
Windows Z67-IDE Imaging Utility
QS-HDOS Setup/Road Map - By Ken