Norberto’s H8 Computer


H8-Z37 Floppy Controller (WD2797)


02/19/11 - Received two WD2797 IC’s from to start the prototype work.

04/24/2011 - Wire-wrap board is working fine. See attached pdf file.

09/24/2011 - Completed the assembly of the H8-Z37 board. Configured the board with two 3.5” floppy drives on Connector J1, and two 5.25” floppy drives on Connector J2. The H8 computer is able to boot CP/M and HDOS from either drive. Running Stress test for the next 10 days.

10/22/2011 - Received new boards and they worked fine. Can boot CP/M at 2/4/8 MHz.

H8-Z37 Schematics

H8-Z37 Wire-wrap board - Booting CP/M

H/Z-37 Controller on Standard 8” Drives - REMark - E.B. Blayer

H-17/H-37 Dual Controller Mod - REMark - Robert H. Todd

H8-Z80-64 CPU/GIDE H37 Rework

H8-Z37 Floppy Controller

H8-Z37.Schematic.PDF (By Ken 05/22/2015)

H8-Z37 Part Lists

H8-Z37 Calibration Guide

H8-Z37_Calibration.pdf (Updated - 10/25/2011)

H8-Z37 User Guide

H8-Z37_FLOPPY_CONTROLLER V1_2.pdf (Updated - 10/25/2011)

H8-Z37 GALS Source Code

GAL 16v8 - (Updated - 10/26/2011)

H8-Z37 GERBER Files (Order number: OurPCB reference No: 19060378)

H8-Z37.Schematic-S.pdf (By Ken 05/22/2015)